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Buku Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn |
Ini juga adalah buku karangan John C Maxwell yang ke-3 yang saya baca, setelah The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership dan Developing The Leader WIthin You. Bukunya John C Maxwell ini banyak banget, dan (katanya) semua bagus bagus. Tadinya saya ga akan beli buku yang Somettimes You Win Sometimes You Learn ini, tapi karena ada orang jual murah, langsung saya beli. Perlu anda tau buku John C Maxwell ini mahal mahal, untuk yang sekitar 100an halaman itu dibanderol 120rb lebih harganya di Gramedia.
Sesuai judulnya, inti dari buku ini adalah menunjukkan kita bahwa terkadang kita menang dan terkadang kita kalah belajar. Kekalahan adalah sarana yang sangat tepat untuk belajar. Orang yang tidak mengakui kekalahan adalah orang yang tidak mau belajar. Dan orang yang sukses dimanapun itu pasti selalu menerima kekalahan yang dia alami. Orang sukses memiliki kebiasaan hidup yang membuatnya terbiasa kalah dan SELALU bangkit lagi.
Ini beberapa kata kata bagus yang saya tulis ulang dair buku Somettimes You Win Sometimes You Learn, sebagai catatan pribadi, dan syukur syuku ada yang baca dan mengamalkan ilmunya. amin.
- To be successful, we have to find ways to get unstuck emotionally
- "Show me a guy who is afraid to look bad, and i'll show you a guy you can beat every time" -Lou Brock
- Intelligence is not to make no mistakes. But quickly to see how to make them good.
- Most people don't accept life is hard and will continue to look for quick and easy way instead.
- A victim mind-set causes people to focus on what they cannot do instead of what they can do. It is a recipe for continued failure
- You can't grow and learn if your focus is on finding someone else to blame, instead of looking at your own shortcomings.
- Te best learners are people who don't see their losses and failures as permanent. They see them as temporary.
- My desire is to not become superior to anybody else. I only want to be superior to my former self.
- When you are influential and highly respected, people tend to tell you what you want to hear, not what you need to hear. They are seeking your approval, or they flatter you. Unfortunately, that creates a gap between what you hear and reality. If you find yourself in that situation, you will need to work extra hard to get the people close to you to speak honesty into your life. And you will have to become highly intentional in observing and listening.
- When opportunity comes, it's too late to prepare. learn and prepare everyday!
- Change feels awkward. Get used to it.
- "To grow, you must willing to let your present and future be totally unlike your past. Your history is not your destiny" -Alan Cohen
- "Maturity is doing what you are supposed to be doing, when you're supposed to be doing it, no matter how you feel." -Dom Capers
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