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Review Buku: The Hard Thing About Hard Things, Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers – Ben Horowitz

Judulnya panjang bener ya.. hehe

Ini adalah buku pertama yang saya baca full secara E-Book.. beli di Google Play Books, dan baca menggunakan tablet Samsung low-spec. baca juga:

Buku The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Buku The Hard Thing About Hard Things

Buku ini rekomendasi teman kuliah saya, entrepreneur terkenal yang empunya Brodo.

Awalnya nervous juga baca buku full e-book. Karena terlalu nyaman dengan bisa merubah-ubah font dan spacing, secara psikis membuat saya membaca dengan quantity lebih sedikit dari biasanya. Setaun ke belakang saya berhasil baca buku 100 halaman per hari, tapi buku ini aktualnya hanya 40 halaman per hari... Turun jauh banget kan? mungkin karena kesibukan lain juga yang terpaksa ngambil waktu baca buku.

Ok kita ke konteks bukunya...

Inti dari inti buku ini adalah bagaimana menjadi untuk menjadi world-class CEO.. Penjabarannya tidak komperhensif, tapi beberapa part ada yang sangat detil. Sampai sampai ngasih contoh pertanyaan wawancara kalau mau rekrut orang terbaik.

Buku bagus, keren, dan fit dengan saya. Meskipun beda size perusahaan dengan si penulis, tapi cukup terbayang. Beberapa kejadian di buku pernah saya alami juga. Saya rasa kalau anda sudah jadi pemimpin perusahaan at least 5 tahun, pasti merasakan hal yang sama.. jadi buku ini sangat recommended...

Oya... Teori saya belum terpatahkan... Buku bisnis yang bagus dan best seller, PASTI mention buku Good to Great - Jim Collins.. Emang buku Good to Great itu super duper fenomenal, ga mungkin ada yang bisa menyamain, karena melibatkan banyak akademisi untuk riset.. Teori2 nya sangat susah untuk dibantah.. wajar kalau jadi acuan buku buku lainnya...

ok ini highlight poin by poin dari buku ini (saya copas dari notes saya di Google Play Books, enak banget!)

  • “What would you do if capital were free?” --> hmm.. saya jadi mikir, mau diapain ya kalau punya uang unlimited....
  • it’s the ability to focus and make the best move when there are no good moves.
  • The Struggle is when people ask you why you don’t quit and you don’t know the answer.
  • that it didn’t make sense for me to be the only one to worry about,
  • communication is inversely proportional to the level of trust.
  • Once you decide that you will have to lay people off, the time elapsed between making that decision and executing that decision should be as short as possible. --> teori tentang ini udah banyak banget
  • In order to rebuild trust, you have to come clean.
  • If you don’t have world-class strengths where you need them, you won’t be a world-class company.
  • Use words and phrases like “I have decided”, rather than “I think.” --> ini dalam kasus mecat orang, jangan ada memperhalus kata kata demi menjaga perasaan orang
  • but two people who don’t know what they are doing is a recipe for failure.
  • The customers were buying; they just weren’t buying our product. This was not a time to pivot.
  • hire for strength rather than lack of weakness.
  • If your company is a good place to work, you too may live long enough to find your glory.
  • The training courses should be tailored to the specific job.
  • Ironically, the biggest obstacle to putting a training program in place is the perception that it will take too much time. Keep in mind that there is no investment that you can make that will do more to improve productivity in your company. Therefore, being too busy to train is the moral equivalent of being too hungry to eat. Furthermore, it’s not that hard to create basic training courses.
  • Bad product managers have lots of excuses. Not enough funding, the engineering manager is an idiot, Microsoft has ten times as many engineers working on it, I’m overworked, I don’t get enough direction. Our CEO doesn’t make these kinds of excuses and neither should the CEO of a product.
  • define the target, the “what” (as opposed to the “how”),
  • Bad product managers constantly want to be told what to do.
  • The best companies invest time, money, and sweat equity into becoming world-class recruiting machines.
  • technology startup must do is build a product that’s at least ten times better at doing something than the current prevailing way of doing that thing. Two or three times better will not be good enough to get people to switch to the new thing
  • easier to add new people to old processes than new processes to old people.
  • Investing in courage and determination was an easy decision for me.”
  • Focus on where you are going rather than on what you hope to avoid.
  • Mediocre CEOs point to their brilliant strategic moves or their intuitive business sense or a variety of other self-congratulatory explanations. The great CEOs tend to be remarkably consistent in their answers. They all say, “I didn’t quit.” --> klise, tapi bener banget, proven
  • First, knowing what to do. Second, getting the company to do what you know.
  • wrote the best management book I’ve ever read ( High Output Management ),
  • level. If someone needs lots of training, she is below standard.
  • If (a) you are very early on in a very large market and (b) you have a good chance of being number one in that market, then you should remain stand-alone.
  • I was the founding CEO, not a professional CEO. --> buat yang belum sadar, ini 2 hal yang berbeda.. saya juga masih geleng2 dan naif... Saya membesarkan perusahaan saya, masa saya disebut ga professional? hehe...
  • Professional CEOs knew lots of executives, potential customers and partners, people in the press, investors, and other important business connections.

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