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Review Buku: Essentialism The Disciplined Pursuit of Less

Alhamdulillah, belakangan speed baca buku saya mulai naik lagi.. Setelah super duper waktu tersita di awal tahun sampai lebaran, gara2 ngurusin Bajuyuli dan

Buku keren yang akan saya review sekarang adalah ESSENTIALISM The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, karangan Greg McKeown. Buku ini udah lama saya incer, baru minggu lalu saya dapatkan di Books and Beyond. Baca juga:

Buku ini seperti gabungan beberapa buku yang udah pernah saya baca, dengan maksud yang sama, kata kata berbeda. kurang lebih buku ini seperti penggabungan dari buku buku ini:

Inti dari buku ini adalah bagaimana kita bisa hidup lebih efektif dan efisien, dengan menjadi essentialist. Yaitu orang yang FOKUS ke hal hal yang essential dalam hidupnya. keren kan? dijabarkan juga beberapa metode teknis yang bisa langsung praktek...

Book: Essentialism The Disciplined Pursuit of Less - Greg McKeown
Book: Essentialism The Disciplined Pursuit of Less - Greg McKeown

Buku ini cocoknya buat orang yang sudah produktif. bukan pemalas. Kalau buku ini dipraktekkan bulat bulat oleh seorang yang pemalas, bisa2 dia ga ngerjain apa2 dalam hidupnya. hehe.. soalnya di buku ditekankan sekali supaya kita sering2 "membuang" pekerjaan.

Jadi cocoknya buat siapa? buat pebisnis tanggu, buat founder perusahaan, buat CEO, buat manajer, atau buat staff yang lembur terusss.

Overall keren lah buku ini..
Bahasa Inggrisnya ga terlalu susah, cukup ringan materinya karean bisa terbayang lansgung oleh imajinasi, alias practical.

ok, lanjut ke highlight dari buku ini.. kalau anda mau beli, mending ga usah baca highglight di bawah ini, karena sebenernya ini untuk peruntukkan pribadi. he he

  • have you ever found yourself majoring in minor activities? do you ever feel busy but not productive? like you're always in motion, but never getting anywhere?
  • if you don't prioritize your life, someone else will.
  • we are looking for our highest level of contribution: the right thing, the right way, at the right time
  • I choose to... only a few things really matter.. i can do anything but not everything
  • Warren Buffet --> it would be impossible for him to make hundreds of right investment decisions, so he decided that he would invest only in the business that he was absolutely sure of and then bet heavily on them
  • set aside time, take a breath, look around, and think!
  • the faintest pencil is better than strongest memory
  • Essentialist vs Sleep:
    • one hour more of sleep equals several more hours of much higher productivity
    • Sleep is of high performers
    • sleep is a priority
    • sleep breeds creativity
    • sleep enables the highest levels of mental contribution
  • if the answer isn't a definitive yes then it should be a no
  • the problem is, when people don't know what the end game is, they are unclear about how to win, and as a result they make their own game and their own rules as they vie for the manager's favour
  • if I don't own this thing, how much I would spent to buy it? if less. THROW!
  • has to be clear on all team members --> expectations, accountability, and outcomes
  • if you don't set boundaries, there won't be any
  • what is the "slowest hiker" in your job or your life? what is the obstacle that keeping you back from achieving what really matters to you?
  • Done is better than perfect
  • there is power in steadiness and repetition
  • learn as quickly as possible, with as little effort as possible
  • Live of essentialist, is live without regret
  • Clarity equals success
  • one wrong hire often leads to multiple wrong hires because the wrong person will tend to attract more wrong people.. is what Guy Kawasaki called a "Bozo Explosion"
  • Essentialist leader, when they speak, it crystal clear

non-essentialist vs essentialist
non-essentialist vs essentialist

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