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Review Buku: Working Backwards - Colin Bryar & Bill Carr

Buku ini tentang Amazon.. 2 penulisnya adalah mantan pegawai Amazon, yang terceritakan dalam buku sih direct report ke Jeff Bezos, tapi bukan C Leve. Keren ya, berhubungan sehari hari dengan manusia terkaya di planet bumi. heuheu

Intinya buku ini nyeritain kenapa Amazon bisa sukses. Metode apa aja yang mungkin bisa diterapkan oleh pembaca. Metode metode tersebut berhasil di Amazon, tapi belum tentu berhasil jika diterapkan di perusahaan lain.

buku Working Backwards (Amazon)
buku Working Backwards (Amazon)

Buku yang saya punya full english, original, jumlah halamannya 290-an.. Kertasnya tebel banget, berkali kali menyangka buka 2 lembar, eh 1 lembar.

Secara umum buku ini lumayan bagus, lumayan mudah dicerna, tapi belum tentu semua bisa dipraktekkan untuk praktisi UMKM seperti saya. Tapi kalau perusahaan besar, mungkin cocok banget menerapkan (atau seditnya mencoba) metode metode yang ada di buku ini.

ok berikut ini adalah catatan-catatan saya dari buku ini:

  • ... goals must be Specific, Measureble, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely (SMART) --> ini sampai saya bikin artikel terpisah, baca:
  • ... we eanted people who would thrive and work at Amazon for five-plus years, not the 19-24 months typical of Silicon Valley --> ini salah satu contoh yang tidak bisa dipraktekkan di UMKM, sepengalaman saya, "harapan hidup" karyawan di UMKM itu 1 tahun juga udah bagus
  • ... clear enough that the author need not be present for their conclusions to be understood
  • ... if given the chance, would you hire this person again? --> pertanyaan bagus untuk mantan supervisor calon pegawai
  • most decisions should be probably be made with somewhere around 70% of the information you wish you had. If you wait for 90%, in most cases, you're probably slow.
  • single-threaded leaders! --> ini kaya microprosessor tapi singlethread, jika hanya 1 task / 1 fokus, bisa cepat dan efektif
  • be stubborn on the vision but flexible on the details
  • take 20 minutes silence when start meeting, to read a six-page document
  • The reason writing a good 4 page memo is harder than "writing" 2 20 pages Powerpoint is because the narrative structure of a good memo forces better thought and better understanding of whats more important than what, and how things are related.
  • ... you must understand how the inputs affect the outputs of the system.
  • Leaders operate at all levels, stay connected to the details, audit frequently, and are skeptical when metrics and anecdotes differ. No task is beneath them
  • ... the long-term customer experience
  • Everyone in e-commerce knew customers were laser focused on shipping cost.... so.. we just had to figure out a sustainable way to offer free shipping.
  • most businesses don't have the tools to evaluate the cost of not doing something.
  • But one implication of being at the earth's most customer-centric company is that you don't spend money on things that don't benefit customers.
  • Amazon flywheel growth... low prices, faster delivery, lower cost structure
  • The Working Backwards process is all about starting from the customer pesrpective and following a step-by-step process....
  • Depict your flywheel! What are the drivers of growth for your company?

Oya di buku ini tidak tertulis bahwa Jeff Bezos ikut berkontribusi langsung... Jadi mungkin ada perbedaan perspektif, kalau Jeff Bezos yang nulis.

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