Entah kenapa baca buku ini rasanya seperti baca buku Who Says Elephant Can't Dance..
Mungkin sama sama ditulis oleh CEO perusahaan raksasa Amerika, yang mungkin 1 generasi..
buku manajemen level tinggi.. Tapi saya lebih sering denger orang mention si Jack Welch ketimbang mention si Louis V Gertsner..
Mungkin 2 orang ini layak disebut "bapak managemen" modern.. mungkin... maafkan kalaus aya ngaco.
Kedua orang itu sama sama CEO raksasa.. Jack Welch dengan GE-nya, Lou dengan IBM-nya.. dan dari keduanya sama sama BUKAN founder.. beda sama Bill Gates, founder dan CEO. Steve Jobs juga Founder dan CEO.. Elon Musk juga founder dan CEO.. siapa lagi ya?
ya intinya, meski bukan founder bisnis, jabatan CEO itu ga mudah. faktanya perusahaan besar lebih sukses kalau CEO nya itu bukan founder-nya.. Saya jadi berpikir plan jangka panjang turun dari CEO perusahaan saya yang skg masih kecil ini..
ok.. kembali ke judul..
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buku Winning karangan Jack Welch |
Resensi singkat buku Winning - Jack Welch
Bukunya keren. bahasanya lumayan berat, dan kentara banget dunia corporatnya. First impression buku ini luar biasa sekali, menusuk dalam sanubari saya, lebay... Katanya, perusahaan itu kudu WINNING, kudu banyak duit, kudu profit besar. Profit besar, karyawan sejahtera, bonus banyak, bisa bayar pajak yang gede, bisa CSR yang impactful, dann seterusnya..
Jadi kalau tujuan anda berbisnis supaya manfaat buat orang lain, naikkan levelnya! bisnis untuk WINNING, bisnis untuk BANYAK UANG. terkesan kapitalis, tapi bener loh..
Selanjutnya Jack Welch nyeritain tentang kiat kiat yang dia lakukan. Khususnya untuk yang sering ditanyakan ke beliau setelah turun dari CEO nya GE. Penjabarannya cukup teknis, menggambarkan metodologi, sangat terbayang. Cukup bisa dipraktekkan lah..
Yang paling berkesan buat saya adalah tentang klasifikasi karyawan, di buku ditulisnya differentation. GE mengklasifikasikan karyawannya jadi 20% top performer, 70% biasa saja, 10% kinerja buruk. Dan si 10% ini menurut beliau, harus "dibuang". ngeri ya, "dibuang" cuy! seakan2 ga bermoral.. ternyata salah! dengan membuang 10%, membuat perusahaan makin "lari cepat", berusaha untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan 90% yang lain. Lebih baik mengorbankan 10% daripada 90% toh? artinya kalau kita terus melihara karyawan kinerja buruk (si 10% terbawah), yang "menderita" adalah 90% yang lain. ya lebih baik "membuang" si 10%.. setuju banget saya soal ini... Insya Allah bakal saya praktekkan..
Selain itu membahas hal hal lain tentang corporat, mulai dari merger, menghadapi krisis, ledaership kompetensi karyawan, Six Sigma, dst dst..
Banyak yang saya masih bingung, dan ada beberapa yang saya skip. Soal M&A (merger and acquisition) sebagian besar saya skip, karena di level UMKM seperti saya, M&A belum terlalu relevan.. Soal Six Sigma juga saya skip dulu, dari dulu saya masih bingung gimana praktekkin si Six Sigma ini..
Buku ini cocok untuk siapa?
- Manajerial korporat besar, khususnya C-level. Mungkin WAJIB baca buku ini
- Pebisnis yang udah mulai bisnis minimal 3 tahun
- mahasiswa MBA
- yang udah biasa baca buku bahasa Inggris
- yang udah biasa ngikutin dunia bisnis Amerika
Catatan pribadi
- I think winning is great. Not good -- great!. Because when companies win, people thrive and grow. There are more jobs and more opportunities
- without financial success, all the social goals in the world don't have a chance.
- We treat customers the way we would want to be treated
- We strive to be the low-cost provider through efficient and great operations.
- To make values really mean something, companies have to reward the people who exhibit them and "punish" those who don't. Believe me, it will make winning easier.
- Lack of candor blocks smart ideas, fast action, and good people contributing all the stuff they've got. It's a killer
- On a good day, I get 20 percent of the hands up. Most of the time, it is closer to 10 percent.
- When people avoid candor in order to curry favor with other people, they actually destroy trust, and in that way, they ultimately erode society
- To get candor, you reward it, praise it, and talk about it. Most of all, you yourself demonstrate it in an exuberant and even exaggerated way
- then people in the bottom 10 percent generally know who they are. When you tell them, they usually leave before you ask them to. No one wants to be in an organization where they aren't wanted.
- If you want the best people on your team, you need to face up to differentiation.
- For twenty-five years, you paid for my hands when you could have had my brain as well-- for nothing
- Everyone should be heard and respected. They want it and you need it.
- You are not a leader to win a popularity contest -- you are a leader to lead.
- You've been made a leader because you've seen more and been right more times. Listen to your gut. It's telling you something.
- in best-case scenario, all your people will be smarter than you. It doesn't mean you can't lead them.
- People with positive energy are generally extroverted and optimistic.
- Design the org chart to be as flat as possible, with blindingly clear reporting relationship and responsibilities.
- If your evaluation system involves more than two pages of paperwork per person, something is wrong.
- Make your company flatter. Managers should have ten direct reports at the minimum and 30 to 50 percent more if they are experienced.
- Every employee, not just the senior people, should know how a company is doing.
- Every person who leaves goes on to represent your company. They can bad-mouth or praise.
- attach every change initiative to a clear purpose or goal
- Real change agents comprise less than 10 percent of all businesspeople. They have courage -- a certain fearlessness about the unknown.
- Who absolutely will not accept change, no matter how good your case. Either their personalities just can't take it, or they are so entrenched -- emotionally, intellectually, or politically -- in the way things are, they cannot see a way to make them better. These people usually have to go.
- They waste their own time at a company where they don't share the vision, and they should be encouraged to find one where they do.
- I have seen managers hold on to resisters because of a specific skill set or because they've been around for a long time. don't!
- Managers can waste a lot of time at the outset of a crisis denying that something went wrong. Skip that step!
- The same is true during any crisis. The more openly you speak about the problem, its causes, and its solutions, the more trust you earn from everyone watching, inside the organization and out. And during a crisis, trust is what you need at every turn.
- Openly discuss situation. Define your position. Explain why the problem happened and how you are handling it.
- Think about innovation, technology, internal processes, service add-ons- whatever works to be unique.
- Getting the right strategy means you have to assume your competitors are damn good, or at the very least as good as you are, and that they are moving just as fast or faster.
- For a new business to succeed, it has to have the best people in charge, not the most available.
- Simply put, Six Sigma is one of the great management innovations of the past quarter century and an extremely powerful way to boost a company's competitiveness.
- Six Sigma is quality program that, when all is said and done, improves your customer's experience, lowers your costs, and build better leaders.
- some grab all the credit, some are important, some kiss up but kick down; others bully and humiliate, have mood swings, withhold praise and money, break promises, or play favorites.
- in any business situation, seeing yourself as a victim is completely self-defeating.
- Work-life balance means making choices and trade-offs, and living with their consequences, it's that simple -- and that complex
- You almost never hear people in the top 20 percent of any organization complaining about work-life balance. That fact is surely linked to their intrinsic abilities. At home, as at work, they are so smart, organized, and competent that they have figured out and implemented sustainable solutions.
- Don't think about reducing cost by 5 to 10 percent. You have to find the ways to take out 30 to 40 percent. In most cases, that's what it will take to be competitive in the China World.
- Winning companies give back and everyone wins.
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