waduh waduh... sudah sekian lama ga review buku, bukan berarti saya berhenti baca buku. Tapi gara2 baru seriusin lagi Youtube pribadi, jadi banyak permintaan konten. Jadinya terpaksa ngedahuluin itu deh. Review buku terbengkalai.
Tapi khusus untuk buku satu ini harus segera saya review, karena penting sekali.. Saya berulang2 buka blog saya sendiri, untuk buka review buku. Karena memang sering sekali kelupaan, ya blog ini lah catatannya. Kalau bermanfaat buat anda, alhamdulillah, jika tidak ya gpp juga toh.
Jadi ini sebenernya 2 buku, yang digabungin. Buku ini buku tua, Googling singkat, buku ini terbit di tahun 1920an. Saya ga tau apakah penggabungan 2 buku ini dibarengi dengan revisi2 atau tidak.
Jujur saya heran dengan buku ini, awalnya saya skeptis, buku tentang marketing yang dibuat di tahun 1920, belum ada internet, belum zaman digital seperti ini. Saya pikir pasti bakal banyak yang ga relevan... Ya betul, banyak yang ga relevan! tapi ternyata banyak juga yang relevan.. Bayangkan, kalau ada teori yang relevan tahun itu dengan hari ini, artinya apa? artinya teorinya PROVEN! artinya teorinya terbukti! tinggal praktekkin aja.. kerenn kan??
Inti dari buku ini adalah sharing pengalaman dari si penulis (Claude C. Hopkins). Untuk buku yang pertama (My Life in Advertising), ngebahas teori2 advertising di-bagi berdasarkan waktu / kejadian yang beliau alami. Kalau buku yang kedua, ngebahas terori2 advertising, di-bagi berdasarkan teorinya, baru tiap teori itu dibahas kasus2nya. Poin2 penting dari kedua buku itu sebenernya kurang lebih sama kedua buku itu, hanya beda perspektif saja.
Keren lah pokoknya, anda pasti kaget, ternyata kondisi marketing hari ini dialami juga pada tahun 1920-an
berikut beberapa catatan pribadi saya dari buku ini:
- Real salesmanship has no regard for price
- He paid a higher price than for Cottolene, but he secured a great advantage --> kisah ini artinya berikan harga lebih mahal dari kompetitor, tak mengapa, tapi berikan service lebih
- Serve better than others, offer more than others, and you are pretty sure to win.
- I believe that nine-tenths of the money spent in advertising is lost because of selfish purposes blazonly presented.
- The gift cost more than our profits on the sale, but milk is in daily consumption.
- We judge largely by others impression, by popular favor. We go with the crowd. So the most effective thing I have ever found in advertising is the trend of the crowd.
- You cannot go into a well-occupied field on the simple appeal, "buy my brand". That is a selfish appeal, repugnant to all.
- The extra gave us an advertising appropriation. I was sure that extra price would not reduce the sale, in view of our advertising efforts.
- Converting new users was a very expensive proposal.
- New habits are created by general education. They are created largely by writers who occupy free space.
- But my long experience had taught me that preventive measures were not popular. People will do anything to cure trouble, but little to prevent it.
- But a hundred men might follow each to the rocks if they had no gauge on results.
- Do not boast. Not about your plant or your output. Not about anything more interesting to you than to your prospect. Boasting is repulsive.
- Most success comes through efficiency. Most failures are due to waste.
- I love work as other men love play. It is both my occupation and my recreation.
- So in advertising. The only readers we get are people whom our subject interests.
- Don't think that those millions will ready your ads to find out your product interests. They will decide by a glance -- by your headline or your pictures. Address the people you seek, and them only.
- We lean, for instance, that curiosity is one of the strongest oh human incentives. We employ it whenever we can.
- Anything expensive must be effective, else it involves much waste.
- It is a well-known fact that the greatest profits are made on great volume at small profit.
- The maker must have a large margin because of small consumption.
- The product itself should be its own best salesman. Not the product alone, but the product plus a mental impression, and atmospehere, which you place around it.
- Think what a confession -- that millions of dollars are being spent without knowledge of results.
semoga bermanfaat.
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