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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #45

Task 1

The question:

Explain which type of transportation you find most convenient: cars, bicycles, or public transportation.

My Answer:

For me that's so mobile in my daily life, I do much prefer cars than bicycle or public transportation.  because using car is faster than bicycle or public transportation in general and also it can easier to catch up with my schedule, sometimes I go there and there between a place maybe 30 minutes change the place of meeting. for example I have three meetings in a row for before breakfast I have to catch the schedule if I'm not using cars maybe I couldn't make it.  so that's why I do much before cars instead of bicycle of public transportation on my daily life

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

Content: 3.5

The response addresses the question and provides reasons for preferring cars over bicycles or public transportation.

The response mentions the speed and convenience of cars in comparison to the other options.

The example of having multiple meetings and the need to quickly change locations adds depth to the argument.

Organization: 3.5

The response follows a clear structure with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

The introduction presents the preferred mode of transportation (cars) and provides a preview of the reasons.

The body paragraphs discuss the advantages of cars (speed, schedule management, and meeting attendance) and provide an example to support the argument.

The conclusion restates the preference for cars.

Language Use: 3

The response demonstrates a good command of vocabulary and grammar overall.

Some minor errors and awkward phrasing are present ("that's so mobile in my daily life," "much before cars").

The response effectively communicates the intended meaning despite these errors.

Mechanics: 3.5

The response shows a good level of control over mechanics.

There are a few punctuation errors and inconsistencies (e.g., missing commas, lack of capitalization in "cars," "bicycle," "public transportation").

Sentence structure and formatting are generally correct.

Overall, the response effectively conveys the preference for cars as the most convenient mode of transportation, provides supporting reasons, and includes a relevant example. The language use and mechanics could be slightly improved, but the ideas are clear and well-organized.


Task 2

Reading Passage:

Title: University Cell Phone Ban

In an effort to create a more focused and engaging learning environment, the administration of Riverside University is considering implementing a ban on the use of cell phones on campus. The proposed policy aims to address the growing concerns regarding the negative impact of cell phone usage on students' academic performance and overall campus experience.

Supporters of the ban argue that excessive cell phone use has led to increased distractions among students. Research studies have shown that students who frequently use their cell phones during class time are more likely to have lower grades and reduced levels of engagement. By prohibiting cell phone usage on campus, students will be encouraged to pay closer attention during lectures, participate actively in discussions, and fully immerse themselves in their studies.

Moreover, the ban seeks to promote face-to-face interaction among students. In recent years, there has been a noticeable decline in personal interactions on campus as students often spend their free time engrossed in their cell phones. By eliminating the presence of cell phones, the university hopes to foster a more vibrant and socially connected community, where students engage in meaningful conversations, form friendships, and collaborate on academic projects.

Critics of the ban, however, argue that cell phones are essential tools for communication and accessing information. They contend that cell phones provide a sense of security and convenience, allowing students to stay connected with their families and access important resources at their fingertips. Additionally, they argue that banning cell phones might create unnecessary limitations on students' freedom and hinder their ability to multitask efficiently.

The university administration is seeking feedback from students, faculty, and other stakeholders to make an informed decision about the proposed cell phone ban.

Listening Passage:

Student 1: Hey, have you heard about the new cell phone policy that the university is considering?

Student 2: Yeah, I read about it in the campus bulletin. They're thinking about banning cell phones on campus. What do you think about it?

Student 1: Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, I can see how it might reduce distractions during class and encourage us to focus more on our studies.

Student 2: That's true, but what if there's an emergency or we need to contact someone urgently?

Student 1: Well, I think the university would need to provide alternative means of communication in such cases. Maybe they could have designated areas where students can use their phones for emergencies.

Student 2: That could work. But what about all the useful apps and resources we have on our phones? They're convenient for accessing information and staying organized.

Student 1: Yeah, I agree. It would be a bit inconvenient to not have that accessibility. Maybe the university could provide more resources in the libraries or computer labs to compensate for that.

Student 2: That's a good point. They should definitely consider providing alternative resources if they're going to implement the ban. It would help students adjust to the new policy.

Student 1: Absolutely. Overall, I think it's important for the university to strike a balance between reducing distractions and ensuring that students have the necessary tools and resources to succeed.

The question:

What are the main arguments presented in the conversation regarding the proposed cell phone ban? Use specific examples from the conversation and reading passage to support your response.

My Answer:

Riverside University intend to considering ban cell phone on campus.  this policy leads to several controversy and supporters.  supporters say that it the cell phone increase distraction so it can lower grades and lower engagement in classroom, thus if cell phone is banned the students will pay closer attention to the class and active in classroom also fully immersed in classroom.  what they say again that remote face to face interaction will happen if cell phone is ban.  nevertheless the critics come, they say that cell phone is essential for communication security and people who can connect to families.  also the convenience of staying organized by the cell phones.  so University must seeking for feedback from the students to find a balance for win-win solution

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

Content: 3

The response provides a general understanding of the main arguments presented in the conversation and reading passage. It mentions the supporters' arguments about reduced distractions, increased attention in class, and promoting face-to-face interaction. It also mentions the critics' arguments about communication, security, and convenience. However, the response could have provided more specific examples from the conversation and reading passage to support the arguments.

Organization: 3

The response is generally well-organized, with separate paragraphs for each argument presented. However, it could have been more concise and focused on directly addressing the main arguments.

Grammar and Vocabulary: 3

The response demonstrates a satisfactory command of grammar and vocabulary, although there are some errors and awkward phrasing throughout. Some sentences lack clarity and precision, which could be improved for better communication.

Sentence Structure: 3

The response includes a variety of sentence structures, but there are occasional errors and inconsistencies in sentence construction, leading to some confusion.

Overall, the response provides a reasonable understanding of the main arguments, but it could have been more specific and well-supported with examples from the conversation and reading passage. Additionally, there is room for improvement in grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure to enhance clarity and coherence.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Regular exercise has been widely recognized as a crucial factor in maintaining both physical and mental well-being. Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of exercise on various aspects of health. Physical benefits include weight management, improved cardiovascular health, and increased strength and flexibility. Engaging in regular physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Additionally, exercise promotes the release of endorphins, which are known to enhance mood and reduce stress levels.

Furthermore, exercise has significant cognitive benefits. It enhances brain function, leading to improved memory, concentration, and overall mental sharpness. Physical activity stimulates the production of neurotrophic factors, which promote the growth of neurons and support synaptic plasticity. These neurological effects contribute to a reduced risk of cognitive decline and the development of neurodegenerative diseases.

Incorporating exercise into daily routines does not necessarily require strenuous workouts. Simple activities like walking, cycling, or yoga can yield substantial health benefits. Experts recommend engaging in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, supplemented by strength training exercises twice a week.

By understanding the wide-ranging benefits of exercise, individuals can prioritize physical activity in their lives and enjoy the long-term advantages it offers for both the body and mind.

Listening Passage:

Student A: Hi, did you read the passage about the benefits of regular exercise?

Student B: Yes, I did. It was quite informative, highlighting how exercise positively affects our physical and mental health.

Student A: Absolutely! The passage mentioned that exercise helps in weight management and improves cardiovascular health.

Student B: That's right. It also pointed out the importance of exercise in reducing the risk of chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes.

Student A: I found it interesting that exercise releases endorphins, which enhance our mood and reduce stress levels.

Student B: Yes, that was a significant point. It explains why physical activity is often associated with feelings of happiness and well-being.

Student A: The passage also mentioned cognitive benefits. Exercise improves brain function, memory, and concentration.

Student B: Exactly. It stimulates the growth of neurons and supports synaptic plasticity, which contributes to reduced cognitive decline.

Student A: So, it seems like incorporating exercise into our daily routines can have a profound impact on our overall health.

Student B: Definitely. It doesn't have to be intense workouts; even simple activities like walking or yoga can make a difference.

The question:

Summarize the main benefits of regular exercise on physical and mental health as discussed in the passage and the conversation.

My Answer:

Regular exercise it has some benefits those are containing physical and mental health in improve.  for the physical health it can manage our weight body and then also increase our cardiovascular and also improve our strength and flexibility.  also for the physical benefits it can reduce our risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity.  on the other hand from the mental health and it can be released endorphin which increase our mood and reduce our stress and that's why the exercise related to happiness and well being.  

Furthermore the conversation talk about the cognitive benefits from doing regular exercise it can increase our memory, increase our concentration, and also increase our brain function.  the students suggest that regular exercise doesn't to be intense it may be 150 minutes per week with light exercises such as yoga, walking and so on

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

Comprehension of the Main Points: 4

The answer demonstrates a clear understanding of the main benefits of regular exercise on both physical and mental health, including weight management, cardiovascular health, strength and flexibility, reduced risk of chronic diseases, mood enhancement, stress reduction, improved brain function, memory, and concentration.

Organization and Development: 3

The answer provides a structured response with separate paragraphs for physical and mental health benefits. However, the organization could be improved by presenting the cognitive benefits in a separate paragraph instead of combining them with the mental health benefits. The development of ideas is clear and supported with relevant information from both the passage and the conversation.

Language Use and Style: 3

The answer demonstrates a satisfactory command of English language skills, using appropriate vocabulary and sentence structures to convey the main points. However, there are some minor errors and awkward phrasings that could be improved to enhance clarity and fluency.

Listening Task Completion: 4

The answer accurately reflects the main points discussed in the conversation, including the physical and mental health benefits of exercise, the release of endorphins, cognitive benefits, and the suggestion of incorporating simple activities like walking or yoga into daily routines.

Overall, the answer is well-written and effectively summarizes the main benefits of regular exercise on physical and mental health. The response could be further improved by enhancing the organization and language use.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

Professor: Good morning, class. Today, I want to discuss the fascinating field of genetic engineering. This branch of science involves manipulating an organism's genetic material to achieve desired traits or outcomes. Now, let's dive into some of the potential applications of genetic engineering. One area where it has gained significant attention is in the medical field.

Student 1: Professor, could you provide an example of how genetic engineering is being used in medicine?

Professor: Absolutely! One remarkable application is the development of genetically modified organisms that produce pharmaceutical drugs. Scientists have successfully engineered certain plants to produce therapeutic proteins, such as insulin. This has the potential to revolutionize the production of medications, making them more accessible and affordable.

Student 2: That's impressive! But what about the ethical concerns surrounding genetic engineering in medicine?

Professor: Excellent question. The ethical considerations are indeed significant. Critics argue that manipulating genes raises ethical issues, particularly when it comes to altering human DNA. The key is to strike a balance between the potential benefits and the potential risks associated with genetic engineering.

Student 3: Professor, can you elaborate on some of the risks involved?

Professor: Of course. One risk is the potential for unintended consequences. When we manipulate an organism's genes, there's always the possibility of unforeseen effects on its overall health or the environment. Additionally, there are concerns about the equitable distribution of genetic therapies and ensuring that they are accessible to all individuals who could benefit from them.

The question:

What are some of the potential applications of genetic engineering discussed in the lecture, and what are the ethical concerns associated with its use in the medical field?

My Answer:

From the lecture it can imply that genetic engineering is good for medical field for example, for medicine, modified gene can produce drugs and it from the protein from some species and it can produce insulin that can make our production of medicine can accessible and affordable.  however there are critics about this medical field because ethical consideration, for example, it can unintended consequences that unforeseen from the research that maybe happen in the future and also it could the result not accessible for everyone because only some people have the access for it.  so that's the benefits and the concern of genetic engineering

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

Content: 3 - The response provides a generally accurate summary of the potential applications of genetic engineering in medicine, mentioning the production of pharmaceutical drugs like insulin. It also acknowledges the ethical concerns associated with genetic engineering in the medical field, such as unintended consequences and unequal accessibility. However, the response lacks specific details or examples to support the points made.

Organization: 2 - The response lacks a clear organizational structure. The ideas are presented in a somewhat disjointed manner, making it difficult to follow a logical progression. The response could benefit from better paragraphing and clearer transitions between ideas.

Vocabulary and Grammar: 3 - The language used is generally clear and comprehensible, although there are some errors and awkward phrasings. The response demonstrates an attempt to convey meaning, but there are occasional grammatical mistakes and issues with word choice.

Overall, the response provides a basic understanding of the lecture content and addresses the key points of potential applications and ethical concerns, but it could benefit from further development, organization, and more precise language. I would assign a score of 2.5 out of 4 for this response.


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