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TOEF LIBT Writing practice #20

Task 1: Integrated Writing

Reading Passage:

Title: The Influence of Renaissance Art on Subsequent Artistic Movements

The Renaissance period, spanning from the 14th to the 17th century, marked a significant shift in the development of Western art. During this era, artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael created masterpieces that continue to captivate and inspire people today. The impact of Renaissance art on subsequent artistic movements cannot be overstated.

One of the key characteristics of Renaissance art was its focus on realistic representation. Artists of this period pioneered techniques such as linear perspective and chiaroscuro, which added depth and dimension to their works. Moreover, Renaissance artists depicted human figures with meticulous detail, emphasizing proportion, anatomy, and lifelike facial expressions. These innovations in representation set the stage for the development of art in the centuries that followed.

Furthermore, Renaissance art was characterized by its exploration of classical themes and motifs. Artists drew inspiration from ancient Greek and Roman mythology, history, and literature. The revival of these classical elements in art had a profound influence on subsequent movements. For instance, the neoclassical period of the 18th century sought to recreate the ideals of ancient Greece and Rome, embracing symmetry, order, and balance in art and architecture.

In addition to its technical and thematic contributions, Renaissance art also had a lasting impact on the patronage system. During this period, artists gained recognition and support from wealthy individuals and institutions, such as the Catholic Church. The establishment of art academies and the commissioning of artwork became more prevalent, allowing artists to hone their skills and produce remarkable pieces.

The influence of Renaissance art on subsequent artistic movements is undeniable. From the Baroque to the Romantic era, echoes of the Renaissance can be found in the works of renowned artists across different periods and regions. The revolutionary ideas and techniques introduced during the Renaissance continue to shape the art world to this day.

And here's an example of a full listening transcript, representing a professor's differing perspective on the reading passage:

Listening Passage:

Professor: Thank you for reading that passage. While it provides a compelling view of the influence of Renaissance art, I would like to raise some doubts and present a different perspective.

Firstly, the reading passage highlights the emphasis on realistic representation during the Renaissance, citing techniques like linear perspective and chiaroscuro. While these techniques indeed had a significant impact, it is crucial to note that the Renaissance was not the sole period to explore realistic representation. Even before the Renaissance, artists in ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Greece displayed remarkable skills in capturing lifelike figures. Therefore, the notion that Renaissance art was the sole pioneer of realistic representation warrants closer examination.

Additionally, the passage mentions the influence of Renaissance art on subsequent movements such as neoclassicism. While it is true that the neoclassical period drew inspiration from classical themes, it would be inaccurate to attribute this influence solely to the Renaissance. Artists throughout history have continually revisited classical motifs, and it would be unfair to diminish the contributions of other periods, such as the Hellenistic era, to the development of neoclassical art.

Moreover, the reading passage highlights the establishment of art academies and the patronage system during the Renaissance. While these factors did indeed support artists and foster creativity, it is important to recognize that similar systems existed in earlier civilizations as well. For instance, in ancient Egypt, artists received patronage from pharaohs and were part of a well-defined hierarchical structure within the royal court.

In conclusion, while the Renaissance undoubtedly made significant contributions to the art world, it is essential to acknowledge that artistic innovation and influence cannot be attributed to a single period. Exploring the diverse artistic achievements across different civilizations provides a more comprehensive understanding of the development of art throughout history.

The question:

Summarize the professor's doubts and differing perspective on the influence of Renaissance art as presented in the reading passage. Be sure to explain how the professor's perspective challenges specific points made in the passage.

My Answer:

The reading passage discuss about how great renaissance period on arts. It mention supremacy of renaissance in terms of technical arts, thematic arts, and patronage systems. However, the professor in the lecture seems not so agreed with the reading passage, here are some her objection.

Firstly about the realistic art technique such as linear perspective, human proportion, and human detail anatomy. Indeed, renaissance's artists create that kind of masterpieces, but the professor believe the technique not invented by renaissances. It commonly used not only at the renaissance period. She mention about ancient Egypt culture that depict similar technique on their arts. 

Secondly, she argues that classical motifs not profoundly belongs to renaissance period. This kind of theme actually improved continuously time by time since neo cultural arts.

Thirdly, about the academies of arts that credited a lot to renaissance period. The professor believes, this kind of initiative, once again, already happen since ancient Egypt period. She explain in detail that on those days artists have close relationship to the Pharaoh, that could be possible influence Pharaoh's policies in order to flourishing arts and fostering creativity on the community.

Lastly, the professor do accept that renaissance period has essential innovation on arts, but we have to choose wisely before attributing all the supremacy only on to certain period of time in history, in this case is renaissance period. 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

Content: 3
The response provides a good summary of the professor's doubts and differing perspective on the influence of Renaissance art. It accurately identifies the professor's objections regarding the realistic art techniques, the attribution of classical motifs solely to the Renaissance, and the establishment of art academies. The mention of ancient Egypt as an example of an earlier civilization that utilized similar techniques and systems adds depth to the response.

Organization: 3.5
The response is generally well-organized, with clear paragraphs addressing each of the professor's doubts. However, the structure could be improved by using topic sentences to introduce each doubt and by providing smoother transitions between paragraphs.

Grammar: 3.5
The response demonstrates a good command of grammar overall, with minor errors and occasional awkward phrasing. Some sentences could be revised for clarity and fluency.

Vocabulary: 3.5
The vocabulary used in the response is appropriate and effective in conveying the intended meaning. There are some instances of repetitive word choices and a few areas where more varied vocabulary could enhance the response.

Overall, the response effectively summarizes the professor's doubts and differing perspective, presenting a clear understanding of the listening passage. With some minor improvements in organization, grammar, and vocabulary, the response would be even stronger. Total score: 13.5/16


Task 2: Indenpendent Writing

The question:

Topic: Impact of technology on traditional forms of communication

Prompt: Examine the ways in which modern technology, such as smartphones and social media, has affected traditional means of communication, discussing both positive and negative consequences.

My Answer:

Communication is the oldest tools for human to survive, not only for human actually, but for all living creatures, even if for plants. For instance, communication is our basic needs. This basic needs developing time by time, there must be a time when human communicate each other only with body gesture, and nowadays human able talk to each other despite distant and time between them. This vast change of our way to communicate must create some lagging effect, the ones who are not adaptable enough can face difficulties, and the other side of it, they can ride this changes to improve their lives. Here are some negative consequences that leads to difficulties for traditional community and positive impact for the others.

Because of technology convey information really fast, some people would not easily accept the new facts from new information. It will lead to cultural conflict or decreasing of self-esteem. For example, the misleading information about anti-biotic. Some people arguing that anti-biotic not good for human, some people are not. At the first this polarization happen due to different result of research. Somehow, people who are not educated enough could accepting only 1 side of fact, thus it can lead untrust act to the other side.

Above about the facts. Furthermore about not-fact information, commonly we call it hoax. This hoax give misleading to many people, it could change their perspectives, their way of life, etc. Because the information is not true, obviously the respond of this kind information will cause not good behavioral. It makes huge negative impacts to our social structure.

Now about the benefits or the positive impacts. Definitely, modern technologies of communication have improve our lives a lot. Nowadays we can connect each other all across the globe, we can learn any kind of knowledge that available on the internet, businesses can easily reach their market trough social media, and many more. The very common example benefit is nowadays people can held meeting easily trough online platform, it reduce really huge amount of money if we count the cost of commute for a meeting. Thus nowadays, we live more effective and efficient alongside the development of communication technology.

The conclusion is we must aware that technology could give negative impact to our society and this issue is responsibility for the ones who gain many benefits from the technology. So we can find balance and harmony on our society, we complete each other.

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric:

Content: 3.5
The response provides a clear examination of the impact of modern technology on traditional forms of communication, discussing both positive and negative consequences. It effectively highlights the negative consequences, such as cultural conflicts and the spread of misinformation, as well as the positive impacts, such as increased connectivity and efficiency. The example of online meetings reducing costs is relevant and supports the argument.

Organization: 3.5
The response is well-organized, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs discussing the negative consequences and positive impacts, and a conclusion. The ideas are presented coherently and logically, although there is room for improvement in transitioning between paragraphs.

Grammar: 3.5
The response demonstrates a good command of grammar overall, with minor errors and occasional awkward phrasing. Some sentences could be revised for clarity and fluency.

Vocabulary: 3.5
The vocabulary used in the response is generally appropriate and effective. There is a range of vocabulary related to communication and technology. However, there are some instances of repetitive word choices and a few areas where more varied vocabulary could enhance the response.

Overall, the response effectively addresses the prompt and provides a well-rounded analysis of the impact of technology on traditional forms of communication. With some minor improvements in organization, grammar, and vocabulary, the response would be even stronger. Total score: 14.0/16


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