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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #54

Task 1

The question:

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city versus a small town.

My Answer:

I'd say the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big City versus small town doors are the first one I'd say living in small town will more socialize than big city just because we can know each other closely instead in Big City we are too busy to socialize.  the next one about living cost of course living in small town much cheaper than big city for example if you are buying bread it's more expensive in a big city.  those are my opinion regarding difference between big city and small town 

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (General Description, Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):


Task 2

Reading Passage:

Title: Changes in the Course Registration System

In an effort to streamline the course registration process and provide students with more flexibility in selecting their classes, the university administration has implemented significant changes to the course registration system.

Firstly, the traditional manual registration process has been replaced by an online system. This transition aims to eliminate the long queues and administrative hassles that students previously faced during registration periods. The new online platform allows students to access the course catalog, view available seats, and enroll in their preferred classes with just a few clicks. This automated system ensures a fair and efficient distribution of seats, reducing the chances of human error and overbooking.

Additionally, the new system offers an advanced search feature, enabling students to filter courses based on their prerequisites, timings, and professors. This feature provides students with a clearer understanding of the courses available and facilitates the creation of well-rounded class schedules. Moreover, the online system includes a waitlist option, allowing students to join a waitlist for a full course. This feature notifies students if a seat becomes available, offering them a chance to secure a spot in their desired course.

Overall, the implementation of the online course registration system aims to enhance the student experience by providing a more user-friendly and efficient platform. By minimizing the registration process's administrative complexities, students can focus on selecting courses that align with their academic goals and interests.

Listening Passage:

Student A: Hey, have you heard about the new course registration system? It's supposed to make things a lot easier.

Student B: No, I haven't. What's changed?

Student A: Well, they've replaced the manual registration process with an online system. Now you can browse courses and enroll online.

Student B: That's great! It'll save us from standing in those long registration lines.

Student A: Exactly. Plus, the new system has an advanced search feature. You can filter courses by prerequisites, timings, and professors.

Student B: That's really useful. It'll help me find the classes that fit my schedule and interests.

Student A: Definitely. And if a course is full, you can join a waitlist. The system will notify you if a spot becomes available.

Student B: Wow, that's convenient. I won't have to keep checking manually.

Student A: Exactly. The university wants to make the registration process smoother and more efficient for everyone.

Student B: I appreciate that. It sounds like these changes will really benefit us.

The question:

Summarize the advantages of the new online course registration system mentioned in the conversation.

My Answer:

The campus tried to apply new policy regarding  course registration system by applying this they hope it will be smoother and more efficient for everyone not only for students but also for the campus  infrastructure after  applying this course registration system.  moving from manual registration into online registration it could be  have many benefits such as no queries  on registration and then admin hassle will be gone and then automated system will be happen and also the most important things students can browse and search and filtering what  they interest about the  courses.

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (General Description, Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Title: Cultural Relativism and Understanding Different Perspectives

Cultural relativism is an anthropological concept that emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting diverse cultural practices and beliefs. It suggests that each culture should be analyzed and evaluated within its own unique context, rather than applying universal standards or judgments. This approach recognizes that different cultures have distinct values, norms, and traditions that shape their behavior and worldview.

In practicing cultural relativism, anthropologists strive to suspend personal biases and ethnocentric tendencies, which refer to the belief that one's own culture is superior to others. Instead, they aim to comprehend cultural practices from an insider's perspective and appreciate the reasons behind them. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the complexities and diversity of human societies.

By adopting cultural relativism, anthropologists can avoid making sweeping generalizations or dismissing practices that may initially seem strange or unfamiliar. It enables them to analyze cultural phenomena without imposing their own preconceived notions. For instance, in certain societies, behaviors such as polygamy or the consumption of insects may be considered acceptable and even important for social cohesion.

Cultural relativism has its critics who argue that it can lead to a moral and intellectual relativism, where anything goes and all beliefs are considered equally valid. They contend that there should be some universal standards to judge cultural practices, especially when they involve human rights violations or harm to individuals. However, proponents of cultural relativism maintain that understanding and tolerance do not equate to condoning harmful practices but rather encourage a dialogue that promotes cultural exchange and respect.

Overall, cultural relativism is a fundamental concept in anthropology that recognizes the need to appreciate and comprehend diverse cultural practices without imposing one's own values and judgments. It encourages open-mindedness, empathy, and the recognition that multiple perspectives exist in our complex global society.

Listening Passage:

Announcer: Now, listen to a conversation between two anthropology students.

Student 1: Hey, did you read that passage on cultural relativism? It's such an interesting concept.

Student 2: Yeah, I found it fascinating too. It really challenges our own cultural biases and makes us see things from a different perspective.

Student 1: Absolutely. I liked how the passage emphasized the importance of understanding cultural practices in their own context rather than judging them based on our own beliefs.

Student 2: That's the essence of cultural relativism, right? It encourages us to suspend our ethnocentric tendencies and approach other cultures with an open mind.

Student 1: Exactly. It helps us avoid making assumptions or generalizations about cultures that are different from our own.

Student 2: And it's not about moral relativism either. We can still recognize and critique practices that violate human rights or cause harm, but it's done in a way that respects cultural diversity.

Student 1: Right. Cultural relativism doesn't mean we have to accept everything, but it promotes tolerance and understanding.

Student 2: I think it's crucial in today's globalized world. We need to bridge cultural gaps and foster dialogue rather than imposing our own values.

Student 1: Couldn't agree more. It's through cultural relativism that we can truly appreciate and respect the richness and diversity of human societies.

The question:

Based on the passage and conversation, explain the main concept of cultural relativism and discuss its significance in anthropology.

My Answer:

Cultural relativism perspective is about understanding and respect others culture because it approached in cultural context instead of universal values.  we know that local culture or any culture inside a local community shouldn't be compared to universal values, for example such as polygamy and consumption of insects that maybe for us is not really good but for their character it is important to be flourished.  and also this kind of practice make us open-minded, empathy, and respect multiple perspective, and also appreciate diversities.  this kind of practice has some critics such as human rights  issues

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (General Description, Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):


Task 4

Listening Passage:

Lecturer: Good morning, class. Today, we'll be discussing the history of the Industrial Revolution. This period of rapid industrialization brought significant changes to society, and it's important to understand the key factors that contributed to its emergence. The Industrial Revolution began in the late 18th century and continued well into the 19th century, transforming the economic and social landscape of many countries.

One of the primary factors that fueled the Industrial Revolution was technological advancements. During this time, there were significant breakthroughs in machinery, such as the invention of the steam engine. Steam power revolutionized the manufacturing process and made it possible to mechanize various industries, including textile production and mining. This technological progress significantly increased productivity and efficiency, paving the way for mass production.

Another crucial factor was the availability of raw materials. The Industrial Revolution was fueled by the abundance of natural resources, such as coal and iron ore. These resources were essential for powering the machinery and constructing infrastructure required for industrialization. Countries with significant reserves of these resources, like Britain, had a distinct advantage in driving the Industrial Revolution forward.

Additionally, the expansion of trade and colonization played a significant role in the Industrial Revolution. European powers, particularly Britain, established colonies around the world, which provided them with access to new markets and sources of raw materials. The profits generated from these colonial ventures were reinvested into industrial development, further accelerating the process.

The question:

According to the lecture, what were the main factors that contributed to the rapid industrialization during the Industrial Revolution?

My Answer:

According to the lecture there are several factors that influence Industrial Revolution in the past, mostly about fuel and technology.  the first one is about the machinery, we found steam machine in the revolution that can manufacture textile and mining for example, and it can produce in a mass.  the next one is about, the availability of the fuel, Industrial Revolution needed many coal and iron ore and then of course regarding that we have to build good infrastructure to abuse this kind of advantages.  and lastly about the colonization it is important on that time, for example Britain must  entering new market and colonize all over the world in terms of getting fuel and make profit of them

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 4 for each rubric (General Description, Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

General Description: 4

The response provides a clear and accurate summary of the main factors contributing to the Industrial Revolution, mentioning machinery, availability of fuel and raw materials, infrastructure, and colonization.

Delivery: 3.5

The response effectively conveys the main points from the lecture, although some sentences could be structured more clearly.

Language Use: 3

The response demonstrates a good command of English with mostly accurate grammar and vocabulary. However, there are some minor errors and awkward phrasing that could be improved.

Topic Development: 3.5

The response adequately develops the topic by mentioning the key factors and providing some examples. However, it could have been expanded further with more specific details and explanations.

Overall, the response provides a solid understanding of the lecture content and addresses the main points, but there is room for improvement in clarity, language use, and further elaboration on the topic. The overall score for this response would be 3.5 out of 4.


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