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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #86

Task 1

The question:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

My Answer:

I would say I couldn't agree more that face-to-face communication is better than any other type of communication.  not also compared to traditional communication such as letters emails or telephone calls but also for like a brand new online meeting technology that serve many meetings right now.  face-to-face meeting is really beneficial both from the 2  person or more it's just because it can deliver emotion and delivered network about the 2   person and so on it's really beneficial for all of us actually

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Using the TOEFL iBT rubrics, here's an assessment of the answer:

1. **Delivery**:

   - *Score*: 6 out of 10.

   - *Comments*: The answer can be followed without much difficulty, but there are some grammatical errors and awkward phrasing. For example, "not also compared to" and "both from the 2 person" are not standard English phrasings.

2. **Language Use**:

   - *Score*: 6 out of 10.

   - *Comments*: The use of vocabulary is appropriate but repetitive in places, such as the use of "beneficial". The grammar has a few errors and there are non-standard expressions. Sentence structure is relatively simple and could be varied for more effective communication.

3. **Topic Development**:

   - *Score*: 7 out of 10.

   - *Comments*: The writer's opinion is clear, and they have touched upon the importance of face-to-face communication in conveying emotions and "network" (which could mean relationships or connections). However, the ideas could be expanded upon with more specific details or examples. The mention of "brand new online meeting technology" is a good point, but it's not fully explored.

Overall, the answer demonstrates a basic understanding of the topic and provides a clear opinion. However, more refinement in language use and further development of ideas would enhance the response.


Task 2

Reading Passage:

In an effort to promote sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint, starting from the next academic year, our university campus will transition to a car-free zone. This initiative was passed after multiple environmental impact studies indicated that vehicular traffic on campus is contributing significantly to local air pollution. As alternatives, the university will be offering additional bicycle racks, promoting the use of electric scooters, and increasing shuttle bus services. We understand this is a significant change, and adjustments may be challenging. However, it is a vital step in our commitment to creating a greener, more sustainable campus environment for all.

Listening Passage:

Student A: "Hey, have you heard about this car-free initiative the uni's rolling out? It seems pretty drastic!"

Student B: "Yeah, I did. It's ambitious, but I'm actually quite excited. Imagine how much cleaner the air will be without all those cars around."

Student A: "Sure, but what about students who drive? I mean, the shuttle service is great, but what if it doesn't cover my route? It seems like a big ask."

Student B: "I get that. But I think the point is to push us toward more sustainable transportation options. Biking, walking, or even carpooling off-campus can be alternatives."

Student A: "Carpooling? I hadn't thought of that. Still, it’s going to be an adjustment."

Student B: "It will be, for sure. But if it's for the environment, I think it's a step in the right direction."

The question:

How do the two students feel about the university's car-free initiative, and what concerns or solutions do they discuss?

My Answer:

The Uni has a plan to implement car freezone on campus in order to make the campus commitment to greener environment, thus consequences the campus would provide bicycle rack, scooter electrical, and bus shuttle.  from the conversation between two students it can infer that they seems agree because they mention about this is the drastic plan and this is ambitious plan and it was a good for them to hear the plan, but the two students has some doubts about it. The doubts are might be the shuttle bus will not provide all the destination on the campus moreover the students emphasizing that the campus intend to make us to more walking and biking and maybe in the future carpooling

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

**Delivery (out of 10):**


- The response is mostly clear, but there are some awkward phrasings and minor errors that can make comprehension slightly challenging. For instance, "The Uni has a plan to implement car freezone" could be more clearly stated as "The university plans to implement a car-free zone."

**Language Use (out of 10):**


- The answer demonstrates a range of vocabulary and some complex sentence structures. However, there are grammatical errors and awkward phrasings throughout. For example, "thus consequences the campus would provide" is not grammatically correct and could be better phrased as "as a result, the campus will provide."

**Topic Development (out of 10):**


- The response captures the main ideas from both the reading and listening passages. It identifies the university's initiative, the proposed solutions, and the students' feelings and concerns. However, the organization could be improved, and some details could be more accurately represented. For instance, the response mentions that the students "seems agree," but it would be more accurate to say that Student B is supportive while Student A has reservations.

**Overall Feedback:**

The response does a decent job of summarizing the main points from both the reading and listening passages. However, there are areas for improvement in terms of clarity, grammar, and organization. It would benefit from a more structured approach, separating the university's initiative from the students' conversation, and then detailing each student's perspective more clearly.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

The theory of natural selection, often associated with Charles Darwin, posits that traits which enhance survival and reproduction will tend to increase in frequency over time. In other words, organisms with beneficial traits are more likely to reproduce and pass those traits on to subsequent generations. Conversely, detrimental traits decrease an organism's chances of survival and reproduction. Over generations, these traits become less common. This process, occurring over long spans of time, can lead to significant changes in species. The Galápagos Islands are often cited as a key observation point where Darwin formulated some of his ideas about natural selection.

Listening Passage:

"Good afternoon, class. Today, we're going to delve deeper into Charles Darwin's experiences in the Galápagos Islands, which played a pivotal role in shaping his theory of natural selection. The islands, isolated in the Pacific Ocean, are home to unique species that aren't found anywhere else. Darwin noticed, for instance, that finches on different islands had different beak shapes. Each beak shape was adapted to the specific food sources available on its particular island. Some were better suited for cracking nuts, others for picking seeds or insects. Darwin proposed that, over many generations, finches with beak shapes that better allowed them to exploit the available food sources would produce more offspring, leading to a prevalence of that beak type on each island. His observations in the Galápagos served as a microcosm for understanding how species evolve over much longer periods and on larger scales."

The question:

Based on the lecture, how did the finches on the Galápagos Islands support Darwin's theory of natural selection?

My Answer:

From the lecturer it can infer that the Galapagos Island is present or proof or at least indicate that I will still regarding the natural selection.  this Islands on the Pacific Ocean has different kind of birds on different of islands and Darwin so this bird has difference of a beak shape.  so according to the reading passage that animals who has beneficial threats will be survived and do reproduction to their offsprings so in this case in the Galapagos Island the big shape is particularly connected to the food and birds who couldn't afford the foods because of its  would not survive

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

**Delivery (out of 10):**


- The response has several awkward phrasings and minor errors that can hinder comprehension. For instance, "From the lecturer it can infer" should be "From the lecture, one can infer." Additionally, "I will still regarding the natural selection" is unclear and doesn't fit the context.

**Language Use (out of 10):**


- The answer demonstrates some range of vocabulary, but there are numerous grammatical errors and awkward phrasings. For example, "this Islands on the Pacific Ocean has different kind of birds on different of islands" could be more clearly stated as "these islands in the Pacific Ocean have different types of birds on each island."

**Topic Development (out of 10):**


- The response captures the main idea of how the finches on the Galápagos Islands supported Darwin's theory of natural selection. However, the organization could be improved, and some details could be more accurately represented. For instance, the connection between beak shape and food sources could be more explicitly explained, and the idea of beneficial "threats" seems to be a typo or misunderstanding of the term "traits."

**Overall Feedback:**

The response touches on the main points from the listening passage but struggles with clarity, grammar, and organization. A more structured approach, which clearly outlines Darwin's observations and how they relate to the theory of natural selection, would improve the response. The answer would also benefit from careful proofreading to correct grammatical errors and unclear phrasings.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

"Good morning, class. Today, we'll be diving into the far-reaching effects of deforestation on our planet.

Firstly, it's crucial to understand what deforestation means. Deforestation refers to the large-scale removal of trees from forests or jungles, often to clear land for agricultural purposes, urban development, or logging. The rate at which we're losing our forests is alarmingly high, with an estimated 18 million acres of forest lost annually, according to the World Wildlife Fund.

Now, onto its effects on global climate. Forests act as carbon sinks. They absorb more carbon dioxide than they emit, making them pivotal in controlling the levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. When trees are cut down, not only do they cease to absorb carbon dioxide, but if they are burned or left to decay, they release the carbon they have stored back into the atmosphere. This contributes directly to the greenhouse effect, accelerating global warming.

Additionally, deforestation impacts the water cycle. Trees absorb rainfall and release it back into the atmosphere in a process called transpiration. Without trees, this process is disrupted, leading to drier climates and the inability to support diverse ecosystems.

On a local level, the effects are just as dire. Forests are home to about 80% of Earth's terrestrial biodiversity. When we destroy these habitats, many species are left without homes, leading to a sharp decline in biodiversity. This not only affects the animals and plants but also local communities that rely on these ecosystems for their livelihoods. For instance, forests are vital sources of medicine, food, and materials. The loss of forests compromises these resources.

Furthermore, deforestation increases the risk of soil erosion. Trees and their root systems bind the soil, preventing it from being washed away. Once these trees are removed, the land becomes more susceptible to landslides and flooding, posing serious threats to both the environment and human settlements.

In conclusion, deforestation is not just about losing trees. It's about destabilizing the global climate, jeopardizing biodiversity, and threatening the livelihood of millions. It's a multifaceted issue that demands our attention."

The question:

How does deforestation contribute to global warming and disrupt local ecosystems, as discussed in the lecture?

According to the lecturer the deforestation has a critical issue by now because 18 million accurate per year we lost our forest.  the forest itself is the carbon sings to our life if there are no forests the CO2 or the carbon dioxide will be absorbed by sea and she will be released it back to the sky and will will lead to Greenhouse Effect and leads also to the global warming.  from the professor it can infer that this deforestation not only affecting the trees but also 80% of biodiversity depends their life on the trees so it could be no home for animal.  for the more he mentioned about humans that really depend on for us to find medicine materials and so on to still alive on local community 

My Answer:

ChatGPT Assessment, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

**Delivery (out of 10):**


- The response is mostly clear, but there are some awkward phrasings and minor errors that can make comprehension slightly challenging. For instance, "18 million accurate per year we lost our forest" could be more clearly stated as "we lose 18 million acres of forest per year."

**Language Use (out of 10):**


- The answer demonstrates some range of vocabulary, but there are grammatical errors and awkward phrasings throughout. For example, "the forest itself is the carbon sings to our life" should be "the forest itself acts as carbon sinks for our planet."

**Topic Development (out of 10):**


- The response captures the main ideas from the listening passage about how deforestation contributes to global warming and disrupts local ecosystems. However, the organization could be improved, and some details could be more accurately represented. For instance, the connection between trees absorbing CO2 and the greenhouse effect could be more explicitly explained. The mention of the sea absorbing CO2 is not in the original lecture and seems to be an addition or misunderstanding.

**Overall Feedback:**

The response touches on the main points from the listening passage but has areas for improvement in terms of clarity, grammar, and organization. A more structured approach, which clearly outlines the effects of deforestation on global warming and local ecosystems, would improve the response. The answer would also benefit from careful proofreading to correct grammatical errors and unclear phrasings.

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