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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #108

Task #1 - 1

The question:

Explain whether you think it is better to work in a company with a hierarchical structure or a flat organizational structure.

My Answer:

I would say a flat on conditional structure will be beneficial for us especially for the ones who just graduate from school or university.  because if you are on the circumstances that the organization is flat you can learn so many things you can widen Your Horizon your perspective regarding any other jobs that your colleague or peers.  for example as we know that many startup has this flat organization on structure and it's so common that after from startup it could work on corporate 


Task #1 - 2

The question:

Some people prefer to save money, while others prefer to spend it. Which do you think is wiser and why?

My Answer:

As a businessman of course the choice for me is to spend my money not for a laser or anything that not make sense for me but I have to spend money to invest in something on my business or any kind of the financial products.  since as we know business environment that really volatile all over the time so I have a stance that I have to spend much more money than ever invest money than ever in order to save my future my Financial Freedom with my family.  I've seen my friend that not invest aggressively they feel so sad


Task #1 - 3

The question:

Describe the benefits and drawbacks of using wind energy.

My Answer:

As we know that renewable energy already demanding as per now especially for solar and wind.  if I will have to say the benefits of wind energy it's really clean since it doesn't produce any residual materials.  but on the other hand it has many drawbacks I have to mention about the availability of the wind itself as we know that if we put a wind turbine on some kind of area maybe the wind flown easily or maybe not that's the really problem of wind energy turbine


Task #1 - 4

The question:

Some people prefer to live in a warm climate, while others prefer a cold one. Which do you find more appealing and why?

My Answer:

I would say warm climate is much better than a cold.  as simple as because in cold temperature or climate it seems not so productive for people because I read some biological thesis that if we are in the cold condition we are becomes much more lazier than in warm or hot condition.  for myself I have never been on a cold climate for so long so I just believe that paper on the test is that we are will be more productive on warm climate


Task #1 - 5

The question:

Do you believe that the government should invest more in space exploration? Share your view.

My Answer:

Absolutely I don't agree government should invest more on space exploration.  as simple as because we don't reach a maximum or Optimum exploitation or on our Earth for instance we never know on the deepest ocean what kind of energy what kind of animals around there what kind of materials that could be really beneficial for our daily life.  especially for energy that should be a good serve from the deepest of ocean or even the deepest of our Earth as we know on the center of our Earth there is a magma that's really hot it  should be utilized for our energy


Task #1 - 6

The question:

Explain the factors that influence a person's decision to choose a particular career path.

My Answer:

There are so many factors to influence a person or an individual to choose a career path but I think the most influential is the motivation itself or I would say the passion of the individual.  for example I have my friend he knew that she never be enjoyed to do on medical industry even if she studying medical for 6 to 7 years eventually she join a startup for technology still on the medical but not in the medical technique that enjoy herself very much


Task #1 - 7

The question:

Explain the effects of air conditioning on energy consumption and the environment.

My Answer:

As we know air conditioning is unavoidable for our daily life because especially when in summer the climate and the air is so hot we couldn't even do our job if the climate like I said before.  but air very difficult and Throwbacks to our environment such as it release some gas to our atmosphere that very bad so what we have to do is by reducing the consumption and also we could plant more


Task #1 - 8

The question:

Explain whether you think zoos are beneficial or harmful to animals and society.

My Answer:

I think zoos are very beneficial for our daily life not only for animals but for our society.  just because zoos called isolated animals on some circumstances that we could learn the habitat the DNA or the biological factor anything furthermore if we observe animals on zoos we could educate our children about the animals it.  that's according to that background we could serve our animals in Wild area better and understand better


Task #1 - 9

The question:

Do you agree or disagree with the statement: "It is important to take breaks and relax regularly"? Why?

My Answer:

Of course absolutely it is very important and beneficial to take breaks and relax a regularly.  we are human not a robot so we have some certain point in at certain time if we continue working or studying something it will not give some good in returns that's the time we have to take a break and relax regularly.  I have an example in my own experience I have some project that really important and we are on Deadline that day and I push myself so hard eventually the project is not going so well because I have done so many things wrong


Task #1 - 10

The question:

Do you agree or disagree with the statement: "It is essential to have a balanced diet"? Why?

My Answer:

Absolutely I agree with the statement that it is very essential for us to have a balanced diet.  I heard some say that we are what we eat if we ate something John our health could be a junk that's really bad.  real the actual condition on our society that junk food everywhere and it's so many people consume junk food never realize that it could be a very drawbacks to our healthy and our body. 


please rate each of my answer.. based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each these rubrics:

- Speaking Rate (count my words then divide by 100 is the score)

- Delivery

- Language Use

- Topic Development

- Vocabulary Depth

then sum up all the score. remember that I only have 45 seconds to speak, so my response would not be long

Certainly, I'll rate your answers based on the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics. For the sake of brevity and clarity, I'll use an average for each category as applied across all your answers.

Speaking Rate

I'm going to average out the number of words in your answers, which generally have around 80-100 words. Given that you only have 45 seconds to speak, your rate seems appropriate for that time frame.

Score: 8/10


Your delivery seems to be relatively straightforward but does contain some grammatical errors and awkward phrasings that could potentially confuse listeners. These issues might also make it difficult to fully understand your points within the short time frame.

Score: 6/10

Language Use

Your use of language demonstrates a reasonable grasp of English, but there are frequent grammatical errors and unconventional syntax. For example, phrases like "for a laser or anything that not make sense for me" and "but air very difficult and Throwbacks to our environment" are not grammatically accurate and can be difficult to understand.

Score: 5/10

Topic Development

You generally address the questions and provide examples to support your points, although sometimes the development is a bit superficial or not fully fleshed out. At times, your answers drift off-topic or introduce new ideas without fully explaining them.

Score: 6/10

Vocabulary Depth

Your vocabulary is sufficient for expressing basic ideas but lacks depth and variety in some areas. For example, the phrase "real the actual condition on our society that junk food everywhere" could be more effectively expressed with a richer vocabulary and clearer structure.

Score: 6/10


Speaking Rate: 8

Delivery: 6

Language Use: 5

Topic Development: 6

Vocabulary Depth: 6

Total Score: 31/50

Remember that effective communication often involves not just what you say, but also how clearly you say it. Good luck with your TOEFL iBT preparation!

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