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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #112

Task 1

The question:

Is it better to have a job that offers a high salary but demands long working hours, or a job that offers a lower salary but more leisure time? Explain your opinion.

My Answer transcript:

I may say that working on Long walking hours and get high salary will not suitable for me I do much prefer to take a lower salary but more Leisure Time as simple as because I have three children when I spend my time with my my children that's really happy of me and I feel really grateful I play with them.  so obviously the time I spend with my children is priceless even if I lost certain amount of money compared to the Playtime joyful happiness with my children I couldn't try it with it

Please do Assessment to my speaking TOEFL IBT Practice, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Certainly, here's an assessment of your speaking practice based on TOEFL iBT rubrics. Please note that this assessment aims to be neutral and objective.

Delivery: 5/10

Your speech had some moments of clarity, but it also had noticeable issues. There were several pauses, filler words, and minor pronunciation issues that made it somewhat difficult to follow your ideas smoothly. While you expressed emotion, which is good, the overall flow could be improved.

Language Use: 4/10

Your answer had several grammatical mistakes and awkward phrasings, such as "Long walking hours" instead of "long working hours," and "that's really happy of me" instead of "that makes me really happy." These errors hindered the comprehension and made the answer sound less fluent and polished.

Topic Development: 6/10

You were able to answer the question by stating your preference for a job that offers more leisure time over a higher salary. You provided a personal example (having three children) to support your opinion. However, the lack of a structured approach (introduction, body, and conclusion) made the answer a bit hard to follow. Your response could benefit from a clearer layout and more detailed explanations.

Overall, you did manage to convey your opinion and provide reasoning, but there is room for improvement in terms of fluency, grammar, and organization.


Task 2

Reading Passage:

Effective immediately, the university will be closing the on-campus library on weekends. This decision has been made after careful evaluation of foot traffic and usage statistics, which indicate low demand during these days. Additionally, the university aims to allocate the resources saved towards enhancing online services and virtual research tools that can be accessed remotely. We understand that some students may be affected by this change, but we assure you that our commitment to providing a world-class educational experience remains our top priority.

Listening Passage:

Student 1: Hey, have you seen this email about the library closing on weekends?

Student 2: Yeah, I did. I can't believe they're doing that. I usually go there to study in peace on Sundays.

Student 1: Same here. I get that the numbers might be lower, but what about those of us who really rely on the quiet space to focus?

Student 2: Exactly! And what if you need to access some physical resources like textbooks or archives?

Student 1: True. Online tools are great, but they can't fully replace the library. Plus, not everyone has a quiet place to study at home.

Student 2: Maybe we should start a petition or talk to the student council about this. There has to be some sort of compromise.

The question:

Summarize the students' views on the new policy about the library closing on weekends. What suggestions do they offer for dealing with this situation?

My Answer transcript:

.The campus has a plan to close the library on the weekend due to its traffic on the weekend is so low and then the campus tried to allocate the resources into another activity.  according to the conversation between two students they seems not agree with the plan of the campus since day have study on Sunday to finding quiet place instead of their home and then moreover they mentioned about the textbook and archive that should be available on library that not will be fulfilled on the online library.  at the end the two students suggest to meet the student committee to communicate their aspiration helping the campus will cancel the plan to close the library on the weekend

Please do Assessment to my speaking TOEFL IBT Practice, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Certainly, here's an objective assessment of your speaking practice for Task 2 based on the TOEFL iBT rubrics:

Delivery: 5/10

Your delivery had some pauses and hesitations, which could make it challenging for listeners to follow your train of thought smoothly. Pronunciation was generally understandable, although minor issues were present. The flow could benefit from being more seamless and confident.

Language Use: 4/10

You made a number of grammatical mistakes and awkward phrasings that somewhat impeded comprehension. For example, "since day have study on Sunday" is unclear and should be corrected to something like "since they usually study on Sundays." Incorrect word choices and tenses were also noticeable. These factors make the speech less fluent and polished.

Topic Development: 6/10

You managed to cover the main points of both the reading and listening passages, such as the university's rationale for closing the library and the students' disagreement with this decision. You also included the students' suggestions for resolving the issue. However, the lack of clear structure and organization made it slightly challenging to follow your summary.

Overall, you've addressed the main points but would benefit from refining your language use and improving the delivery and structure of your answer.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Emotional intelligence is a construct that reflects an individual's capacity to recognize, comprehend, and manage emotions in oneself and others. Unlike IQ, which is focused on cognitive and analytical abilities, emotional intelligence places emphasis on skills such as empathy, self-regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Developed by psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer in the early '90s, the concept gained mainstream attention after the publication of Daniel Goleman's book, "Emotional Intelligence." Studies suggest that high emotional intelligence correlates with various markers of success in life, including career achievement, relationship quality, and overall well-being.

Listening Passage:

Today, we are going to delve deeper into the concept of emotional intelligence, often abbreviated as EI or EQ. Emotional intelligence is not just a buzzword; it's backed by extensive research. One of the key aspects of emotional intelligence is self-awareness—understanding your own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. Then there's social awareness, which involves recognizing the emotional states of others, thereby aiding effective communication and relationship building.

Let's talk about a study at Stanford that looked at how emotional intelligence impacts academic performance. They found that students with higher levels of emotional intelligence tend to have better focus, more effective study habits, and less stress during exams. Essentially, these skills facilitate not just academic endeavors but also real-world scenarios such as job interviews, teamwork, and conflict resolution.

So, while IQ tests measure cognitive abilities like problem-solving and logical reasoning, EQ tests consider the human aspects that are just as crucial for a fulfilling life.

The question:

Summarize the relationship between the reading passage and the lecture. Specifically, how does the lecture expand upon the points made in the reading passage about emotional intelligence?

My Answer transcript:

 Both was the reading message and the professor talk about emotional intelligent EQ or EI really message said then the EQ that really influenced our empathy self regulation and interpersonal skills and some research said that higher if you could be successful people.  moreover the professor and besides more about this EQ or not just only agreeing with the reading passage but also she mentioned about yourself to understand the emotion how to understand the strength and weakness of ourselves that's the EQ playing the role.   furthermore the professor talk about the study from Stanford that EQ already correlated significantly into academic PlayStation of students

Please do Assessment to my speaking TOEFL IBT Practice, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Certainly, here's an objective assessment of your speaking practice for Task 3 based on the TOEFL iBT rubrics:

Delivery: 4/10

The delivery of your speech was often hesitant, with noticeable pauses and filler words. Pronunciation issues were present, making some parts hard to understand. You'll need to work on speaking more fluidly and clearly to improve this aspect of your speech.

Language Use: 3/10

Your response contains several grammatical errors, awkward phrasings, and unclear expressions. Phrases like "Both was the reading message and the professor talk about emotional intelligent" are not easily understandable and would benefit from rephrasing to something like "Both the reading passage and the lecture discuss emotional intelligence." These issues impair comprehension and contribute to a lack of fluency.

Topic Development: 5/10

You managed to identify some of the key points from both the reading passage and the lecture, such as the importance of emotional intelligence and its impact on various life aspects. However, the lack of organization and clear structure made it difficult to follow your summary coherently. You mentioned a Stanford study and its findings, which was good, but the way it was integrated into the answer was not smooth.

Overall, while you touched on some important points from the reading and listening passages, there is significant room for improvement in the areas of delivery, language use, and topic development.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

"Good afternoon, class. Today, we're going to discuss a captivating topic: how do children acquire language? This subject has been studied extensively, and there are several main theories that I want to outline for you.

The first theory is the 'Behaviorist Theory,' primarily associated with B.F. Skinner. According to this perspective, children learn language through imitation and reinforcement. When a child says something correctly and is praised for it, the behavior is likely to be repeated. This theory suggests that the environment plays a crucial role in language development.

The second key theory is 'Nativism,' championed by Noam Chomsky. Chomsky argues that humans have an innate ability to acquire language and are born with a 'universal grammar' in their minds. According to this theory, exposure to language activates this inherent capability, and children then develop language skills naturally.

The third theory is the 'Interactionist Approach,' which combines elements from both behaviorism and nativism. This theory posits that both innate biological factors and social interaction work together in language acquisition. Children are naturally inclined to learn language, but they also need a social context to do so.

Lastly, we have the 'Social Interactionist Theory,' which emphasizes the role of social interaction and context in language development. According to this view, children learn language best when they are engaged in social communication, typically with caregivers or peers who are more linguistically advanced.

Each theory offers valuable insights but also has its limitations. For example, the Behaviorist Theory doesn’t adequately explain how children can generate sentences they have never heard before, while Nativism has been criticized for not giving enough credit to the environment. Researchers in the field generally agree that a combination of factors influences language development in children."

The question:

Summarize the main theories discussed in the lecture about how children acquire language, and explain the limitations pointed out for at least one of the theories.

My Answer transcript:

According to the speaker there are four kind of theory about how children acquire the language the first theory is about behaviors theory that you don't imitate the environment but the professor talk about limitation of the theory this Theory couldn't provide how children create a new sentence it never mentioned.  the second theory is about Champion Theory this Theory talk about the children activated on their own brain so it's already there and it's activated to to the process.  and tertiary is interaction approach which is children as many you know inclusive learn through interaction.  and the last thing is social interaction theory that children engage on social for example the caregiver so that's their learning which 

Please do Assessment to my speaking TOEFL IBT Practice, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Certainly, here's an objective assessment of your speaking practice for Task 4 based on the TOEFL iBT rubrics:

Delivery: 4/10

The speech suffered from numerous hesitations, pauses, and filler words. These issues affected the flow of your speech and could make it challenging for a listener to easily follow your points. Pronunciation was mostly understandable, but the overall delivery could be much smoother.

Language Use: 3/10

The speech had various grammatical mistakes and awkward phrasings. For example, "the first theory is about behaviors theory that you don't imitate the environment" is unclear and grammatically incorrect. Errors like this make it difficult for the listener to fully grasp your meaning and impair the fluency of the speech.

Topic Development: 5/10

You managed to summarize the main theories discussed in the lecture, which is good. You also pointed out a limitation of the Behaviorist Theory, as asked. However, the overall structure of the answer was lacking, making it hard to follow your line of reasoning. The limitations of the other theories were not discussed, and some theories were not described clearly or accurately, like "Champion Theory" instead of "Nativism."

Overall, while you did cover some key points from the listening passage, there are several areas where you could improve, specifically in delivery, language use, and topic development.


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