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TOEFL IBT Speaking Practice #113

Task 1

The question:

If you had the opportunity to study either history or physics, which subject would you choose and why?

My Answer transcript:

If I had the opportunity to study either history or physic I will say I much preverse study physic rather than history as simple as because I really love do calculations something to be honest my major also math and furthermore I would say when I was a kids I really love to broke my toys and I reassembly all the toys all together by myself and when I found myself succeed to make my voice better or faster than before I really happy on it.  furthermore I will say I really wondering and really have curiosity about none of technology that happening right now

Please do Assessment to my speaking TOEFL IBT Practice, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Certainly, I can assess your TOEFL iBT speaking practice answer based on the commonly-used rubrics such as Delivery, Language Use, and Topic Development. Please note that my evaluation is only a practice assessment and should be taken as guidance rather than an official score.

Delivery: 6/10

Your speech is mostly understandable, but there are issues with fluency and pronunciation. The rhythm of your speech and the way you articulate words could be improved to make your answer clearer and easier to follow. There is some repetition and filler phrases that affect the flow.

Language Use: 5/10

The use of grammar and vocabulary is a bit inconsistent. For example, you say "physic" instead of "physics," and "I will say I much preverse" should be "I would say I much prefer." There are also some run-on sentences and incorrect word usage ("none of technology that happening right now" should be "how technology is evolving right now"). Verb tense consistency is also an issue ("I really love do calculations something" should be "I really love doing calculations"). These errors somewhat interfere with the meaning.

Topic Development: 7/10

You make a reasonable attempt to explain why you prefer physics over history. You bring in your personal experience and explain your curiosity about technology. However, the development could be more structured and specific. For example, you might elaborate more on how your love for math complements physics, or give a concrete example of a technology you're curious about to make your point stronger.

Overall, your answer needs improvement in each of the assessed categories, but it does fulfill the basic requirements of addressing the question and providing some justification for your choice. With more practice and focus on language accuracy and organizational structure, your speaking skills could likely improve considerably.


Task 2

Reading Passage:

Attention Students,

The university administration has made the decision to introduce a mandatory physical fitness course for all students, starting next semester. This course will consist of a combination of physical exercise and basic nutrition education. The aim is to promote a holistic approach to health and well-being among the student body. We have observed a decline in the overall physical health of our students in recent years, and this initiative aims to reverse that trend. Please note that this course is non-negotiable and will be a requisite for graduation.

Thank you,

University Administration

Listening Passage:

Student 1: Hey, did you see that email about the new mandatory fitness course?

Student 2: Yeah, I did. I have mixed feelings about it. What do you think?

Student 1: Well, it's a good idea in theory. Exercise is essential, and students need to take care of their health. But making it mandatory? That's a bit too much.

Student 2: I agree. Plus, not everyone is at the same fitness level, and some people may have health conditions that make certain exercises difficult or unsafe for them.

Student 1: Exactly, and what about students who are already involved in sports or physical activities? This would just be a redundancy for them.

Student 2: Right. I think they should've made it optional or at least allowed for exemptions.

The question:

Summarize the points made in the conversation. What are the two students' opinions about the new mandatory physical fitness course?

My Answer transcript:

The campus has a plan to give a mandatory physical fitness course next semester in order to increase the health and well-being on all the students since they believe that it's decline in the last year.  according to the conversation between two students they seems agreed at this essentially good for students but on the other hand they have to concerns about it the first concerns is they think that not all the students have the same physical level and physical condition and the next concern about this plan is they mention about what about the students that already have intense physical activity it should be residency for them.  to sum up they suggest that campus supposed to be make it not  mandatory but optional for every students

Please do Assessment to my speaking TOEFL IBT Practice, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Certainly, I can provide another assessment based on the commonly-used TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics. As before, please note that this is a practice assessment and should be taken as guidance rather than an official score.

Delivery: 6/10

You are generally understandable, but your speech has some noticeable issues. Some phrases are hard to understand due to a lack of clarity in pronunciation. The flow is also somewhat choppy with several pauses, filler words, and repetition, which hinders the overall fluency.

Language Use: 5/10

You have some inconsistencies in grammar and vocabulary. Phrases like "it should be residency for them" are not grammatically correct and could be confusing to the listener. The correct phrase might be "it would be redundant for them." There are also issues with sentence structure and word choice, such as "they seems agreed at this essentially good for students," which would be clearer as "they seem to agree that it's essentially good for students." These errors affect the overall clarity and effectiveness of your communication.

Topic Development: 7/10

You successfully summarize the main points of the conversation and articulate both students' opinions about the mandatory physical fitness course. However, the answer could benefit from more structured organization and clearer articulation of each point. There is some redundancy in your explanation, and some phrases could be more concise to effectively convey the message.

Overall, while you address the question and make an attempt to summarize the conversation between the two students, there's room for improvement in delivery, language use, and topic development. A focus on clear, grammatically correct sentences and more fluent delivery would help you in future speaking tasks.


Task 3

Reading Passage:

Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms and their environments. One critical concept in ecology is that of the "food web," which outlines how energy and nutrients flow through an ecosystem. Apex predators sit at the top of food webs and eat other animals but are not preyed upon themselves. However, not all organisms have an equal impact on their ecosystems. Keystone species are organisms that have a disproportionately large influence on the environment relative to their abundance. The loss or gain of a keystone species can drastically affect the entire ecosystem, from plant life to animal populations.

Listening Passage:

Professor: Good morning, class. Today, we're diving deeper into the role of keystone species in maintaining ecological balance. Now, you've read about how keystone species can have a significant impact on an ecosystem. Let's take sea otters as an example. Sea otters feed on sea urchins, which are herbivores that consume kelp. Without sea otters to control the sea urchin population, kelp forests could be devastated.

Student 1: So, sea otters are the keystone species in that example?

Professor: Exactly! The loss of sea otters would not only affect sea urchins but also the kelp, which provides habitat for various marine life. This cascading effect shows how a keystone species can indirectly affect many other organisms in an ecosystem. The term for this is "trophic cascade."

Student 2: Are there other examples?

Professor: Absolutely. In terrestrial ecosystems, wolves can serve as a keystone species. By preying on deer, they help control the deer population, which in turn preserves the vegetation, benefiting other species.

The question:

Explain how the concept of a keystone species is illustrated in the lecture. Provide details about the role of sea otters and wolves as examples of keystone species and how their presence or absence affects their respective ecosystems.

My Answer transcript:

Both the reading passage talk about the ecological system especially about the keystone species,. keystone species is suspicious that the abundance of its precious cold influence the entire Community or population of the species or at nature.  for the model Professor mentioned about two examples of these keystone species the first one is the sea orders sea otters really cross your in the nature because sea orders eat grass if the sea otters population increasing High very high the grass will be in shortage and then it could be influenced the marine life or small population of animals.  weather tomorrow talk about the terrestrial ecosystem that walls are really important since wealth control the deal population does deer control the vacation could  controlled as well

Please do Assessment to my speaking TOEFL IBT Practice, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Certainly, I can provide an assessment based on the commonly-used TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics. Keep in mind that this is a practice assessment and should be used for guidance rather than as an official score.

Delivery: 5/10

The speech has significant issues with fluency and pronunciation. The pauses, filler words, and repeated phrases disrupt the flow of the speech. Additionally, some of the words are not pronounced clearly, which makes it a bit difficult to understand.

Language Use: 4/10

Your use of language presents a challenge in conveying the message. There are many grammatical errors and awkward phrasings such as "keystone species is suspicious that the abundance of its precious cold influence," which doesn't accurately convey the intended meaning. There are also some terms that are inaccurately used, such as saying that sea otters eat "grass" instead of "sea urchins."

Topic Development: 6/10

You make an attempt to address the role of keystone species and provide examples with sea otters and wolves. However, your explanations have inaccuracies and lack depth. For example, sea otters feed on sea urchins, not grass, and their role in controlling sea urchin populations affects kelp forests and various marine life. Your explanation of the role of wolves is also quite brief and could be developed further to illustrate their importance as a keystone species in terrestrial ecosystems.

Overall, the response does touch on the main topic and tries to provide examples. However, numerous issues in delivery and language use, as well as a lack of detail in topic development, make the response less effective. Focusing on clear articulation, correct grammar and vocabulary, and more structured content could help you improve.


Task 4

Listening Passage:

Professor: Good morning, everyone. Today, we're going to discuss a crucial issue affecting our planet: the impact of climate change on polar ice caps.

Now, the polar ice caps are predominantly found in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. They play a significant role in maintaining global climate stability, largely because they reflect a considerable amount of solar radiation back into space. When these ice caps melt, they not only raise sea levels but also cause the Earth to absorb more heat, exacerbating the problem of global warming.

Recent studies indicate alarming rates of melting. In Greenland, for example, it's estimated that we are losing around 260 billion metric tons of ice every year. This is far higher than what was initially predicted. Similar trends are observed in the Antarctic region. The loss of ice has implications beyond rising sea levels. It affects local ecosystems and weather patterns globally.

Additionally, the melting of polar ice caps releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas trapped in the ice. Methane accelerates the process of global warming even further, making it a feedback loop that's hard to break.

The long-term consequences are dire. Rising sea levels will lead to the submersion of low-lying areas and small islands, leading to habitat loss and population displacement. We're also likely to witness more extreme weather conditions, such as hurricanes and heatwaves, as global weather patterns become more unstable.

In summary, the melting of polar ice caps is a pressing issue that has repercussions not only for the areas immediately surrounding the poles but for the planet as a whole.

The question:

Summarize the main points made in the lecture about the impact of climate change on polar ice caps. What are the long-term consequences of melting polar ice caps according to the lecture?

My Answer transcript:

The professor discussed about the melting of ice cap on Arctic and Antarctica.  this melting ice cap will lead on the long-term the rising of sea levels does small island could be lost and for tomorrow she mentioned about the hurricane and heat waves that could be caused by this melting or ice cap.  one of the reasons how this ice cap melting is because the melting itself ice cap itself reflecting the color I mean the sun to space the sunlight to space so it maintaining the sea level and maintaining the greenhouse effect of our Earth and if it's melting of course obviously the reflecting effect will be reduced hands the warming area and the sea level rising

Please do Assessment to my speaking TOEFL IBT Practice, based on TOEFL iBT rubrics in scale out of 10 for each rubric (Delivery, Language Use, Topic Development):

Certainly, I can assess your answer based on the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics. Remember that this is a practice assessment and should be used for guidance, not as an official score.

Delivery: 5/10

You are understandable for the most part, but there are noticeable issues with pronunciation, rhythm, and intonation that make the speech less clear and harder to follow. Pauses and filler words also interrupt the flow of the speech.

Language Use: 4/10

Your use of grammar and vocabulary presents challenges in clarity and effectiveness. There are some grammatical errors and awkward phrasings, such as "this melting ice cap will lead on the long-term the rising of sea levels" which would be clearer as "In the long term, this melting ice cap will lead to rising sea levels." Similarly, the term "the warming area" should be clarified to refer to global warming or temperature increase. These errors affect the listener's ability to easily understand the message.

Topic Development: 6/10

You do address the question and summarize the key points of the lecture on the impact of climate change on polar ice caps. However, there are inaccuracies and gaps in your summary. For example, you did not mention the significant role of methane in exacerbating global warming. Moreover, your explanation lacks depth and could be more organized to better convey the complex, interconnected consequences of polar ice cap melting.

Overall, while you do make an attempt to answer the question and summarize the main points of the lecture, there are clear areas for improvement in delivery, language use, and topic development. Practicing more structured responses, improving grammar and vocabulary, and focusing on clear articulation would likely help you improve your performance in future speaking tasks.


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